
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Charity Never Faileth

So I've been thinking a lot after my lesson on sunday about "no contention" and our personal "prosper in the land". I want to talk a little more about what Heavenly Father expects of us as far as our feelings toward other people go.

When I say "no contention", that doesn't mean we just go with the flow. Sometimes we have to stand up for what we know to be right. Think of Captain Moroni (the heart throb of the Book of Mormon, Alma 48). He said that there are certain things worth defending: Family, Fellow Men, Personal Rights, Country, and Religion. He was willing to "fight" for what was right.

Wait a minute... I thought we weren't supposed to fight!? There is a difference between fighting for righteousness and the spirit of contention. The spirit of contention is of the devil. Hate is of the devil. So how do you fight for good without hating the sinner?

Look up Alma 48:20-24. Key phrases to look for - "they were compelled RELUCTANTLY to contend with their brethren" and "they were sorry to take up arms againd the Lamanites, because they did not delight in the shedding of blood." Moroni would have preferred to baptize every Lamanite and call him his brother than to go to war against them. But the Lamanites had their agency. They could not be forced to choose the right. And when their choices started affecting Moroni's people, Moroni had no choice but to stand up for what he believed. He never hated the Lamanites.

Man that would be hard! To stand up to someone who has negatively affected you without feeling bitter towards them! So what's the secret ingredient to make it possible? Charity. The pure love of Christ. Loving even the people we must take a stand against. Therin lies the only true peace we will find in this world. (See Moroni 7:45-48)

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